FICS 2013

September 1st, 2013 ‐ Torino, Italy


Please note some changes: the first two invited talks have been swapped, and the afternoon sessions start earlier so that we finish before the CSL welcome talk and aperitivo at 6pm.

9:50-11:10Session 1
9:50-10:40Invited talk: Nicola Gambino, Cartesian closed bicategories
10:40-11:10Stefano Berardi and Ugo de'Liguoro, Non-monotonic Pre-fixed Points and Learning
11:10-11:30Coffee break
11:30-13:00Session 2
11:30-12:00Niels Bjørn Bugge Grathwohl, Fritz Henglein and Dexter Kozen, Infinitary Axiomatization of the Equational Theory of Context-Free Languages
12:30-13:00José Espírito Santo, Ralph Matthes and Luís Pinto, A Coinductive Approach to Proof Search
14:20-15:40Session 3
14:20-15:10Invited talk: Anuj Dawar, Fixed point approximations of graph isomorphisms
15:40-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:50Session 4
16:00-16:50Invited talk: Alexandra Silva, Rational fixpoints in programming languages
16:50-17:20Matteo Mio and Alex Simpson, Lukasiewicz mu-Calculus

18:00-19:30CSL welcome
18:00-19:00Welcome talk: Piergiorgio Odifreddi, The (almost pointless) finite geometries